
In Wetumpka, AL.

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003   Edit September 19, 2018

Copyright    Contact page    Demonstration of subliminal sight

If  you  reached this page from a search engine enter the site here,

or see other cases on the Disappearance and College Suicides pages.





Christine Blasey Ford


Sept 27 Hearing                                       

Rachel Mitchell 5 page memo (Off site link)

In 2002 my wife had a psychotic break when her office was changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection.


Dr. Ford's testimony indicates her memory was influenced by the same problem that caused my wife's mental break.   


Due to her position as an academic professional, Ford had the opportunity to create

visual subliminal distraction over and over for many years

coloring memories, creating the delusional incident, or subtly changing her recollection.

Explanation of Subliminal Distraction


This can be investigated with Dr. Ford's cooperation to answer a few questions.  During her long college career as a student and faculty member did she take precautions for 'peripheral vision blocking protection' when she studied or performed academic work in locations with detectable movement in peripheral vision?

Examples computer workstation

Perform my demonstration of the habituation of conscious sight in peripheral vision

to understand why Subliminal Distraction cannot be consciously experienced as it happens.

It is undetectable.




Although Subliminal Distraction episodes can be mistaken for mental illness,

unlike mental illness the "mental break causing design mistake"                    

             can be experimentally created to show it causes anxiety leading to depressive ideation.

Light episodes remit without treatment or after effects with appropriate rest from Subliminal Distraction.

False memories hallucinated during the panicked episode of confusion can be permanent.

 Experiment Warning

Only Dr. Ford can supply the information to show this happened.

How and where did she study and work?                    

                    Did she use peripheral vision blocking protection?



Political activists are up in arms about the alleged Kavanaugh sex attack in high school.


But how many of the women posting their similar experiences

on Twitter and social media ... do not remember when and where their own assault happened?

Judiciary Committee members excused Dr. Ford not having clear memory of details.

But where and when an assault happened is burned into memory.

(Many of the women responding  give the reason they did not report an assault,                 

                                           but that does not explain not remembering where and when.)


That failure by Dr. Ford is the key to understanding what happened if

you understand a simple problem, visual subliminal distraction.



The narrative given to her therapist, to the lie detector test tech,

The New York Post, and the one from her testimony can't be resolved.

The stories contradict each other.

If she were telling the remembered truth or deliberately lying, the stories would be the same.


She is confabulating.

One outcome of visual subliminal distraction is memory loss.

Memory decrements with chronic Subliminal Distraction.

Each time she tells the story she is not adding recently remembered information.

She changes or fills in slightly different information, confabulating due to memory loss.

It is not deliberate, intentional.



Her failure to recall critical unforgettable information for a claimed

life altering incident proposes two reasons for the lost memory

other than brain injury or dementia.




The first uncharitable explanation is that when

the date and place are given others who were at that party will come forth,

some of the party attendees disputing the claimed assault, or  giving alibies for perpetrators.  

(Since the  original posting of this page that has happened with everyone Dr. Ford gave as witnesses

or participants, even though the date and place were not given.)



But there is a  fault free, blameless explanation   in a problem everyone has.


For a moment set aside the current situation and imagine someone says

something happened years ago but everyone in the person's intimate circle

claimed to have witnessed the event denies it.

The person can't say where or when their encounter happened.

   What would you believe is the cause of their delusion?


A college academic, faculty member, with a history of research and publication,

gives  Dr. Ford  the opportunity  for Subliminal Distraction.


Explanation of Subliminal Distraction

Student Suicides

Student Disappearances


Only Dr. Ford can supply the information to show this happened.

How and where did she study and work?

Did she use peripheral vision blocking protection?


Dr, Ford has anxiety issues with diagnosed PTSD

Those behaviors are indicative of chronic Subliminal Distraction.



While she does not specifically mention flashbacks

she makes the point that the memory is reoccurring,

 saying the memory has caused her repeated distress.


Subliminal Distraction episodes can be experienced as panic attacks with flashbacks.

The mind tries to understand the light dissociation and 

panicked episode of confusion being created completely within the mind

without a consciously experienced outside stimulus event.

The mind attempts to compare the internal mental event to something in memory to explain it

for our stream of consciousness and conception of reality.


An event which created similar sensations of fear, panic, or confusion might be

a scene from a movie, book, or someone else's previously related distressful experience.

The mistake being made in PTSD is to assume the content, substance of the flashback is the cause of it.

Although generally assumed, there is no evidence this is true.

No one has proposed or proven a mechanism by which

memories can spring forward in the mind to cause a panic, or anxiety event.

My College Experience with Panic Attacks


As a flashback, a complete scenario would not be created.

The facts of that delusional incident would be shaped, altered,

by the subliminal appreciation of threat due to repeating undetectable attempts

to visually startle, defined as a visual subliminal distraction in first-semester psychology,

thus explaining why she does not remember precise details.

Those details were not in her Subliminal Distraction episode experience.


As Subliminal Distraction decrements memory she  would confabulate those missing critical details,

not accurately remember them.

As Subliminal Distraction episodes repeat local current factors are subconsciously introduced into the scenario.

The effect is so subtle she believes the memories are hers, absolutely accurate, without outside influence.


Dr. Ford had to know Kavanaugh to introduce him into the scenario.

He said he had never been at a party with her present.

That is backed up by Judge.


They attended different single sex schools.

She commented she had been introduced to Kavanaugh and Judge

by a member of the Country Club which she refused to name.


Confabulation is not lying.  There is no conscious attempt to dissemble.

It is most often referenced in dementia when someone subconsciously fills in for missing memory.

Again, the confabulating subject is unaware of the deception as it occurs.

They believe what they are relating is an accurate response.


For those without dementia the confabulated events can become a permanent part of their story.

The added details are repeated with each retelling.



Dr. Ford's additional front door to her house she said was demanded from her fear of confinement

resulting from her distress about the remembered assault.

Was it?

When she mentioned the extra door its meaning slipped by everyone.

Dr. Ford has two master's degrees and a Ph.D. in psychology

yet has an extra front door installed because of a psychological problem?


News reporting Oct. 4 says extra door necessitated from remembering the assault

revealed to her therapist in 2012 had been installed in 2008, with competition in 2010.

It has been suggested as a business decision to create an entry for outside consulting clients.

She said it is now used to host guests.


The explanation on this site is not that this is mental illness, but an outcome of chronic Subliminal Distraction.

(Unattributed fear to the point of trembling is an outcome of Subliminal Distraction.)


Explanation of Subliminal Distraction

Unattributed fear Vince Foster Suicide

Subliminal Distraction explains

Culture Bound Syndromes

When my wife had the full Subliminal Distraction mental break

after her office was changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection,

she heard voices and hallucinated guilt for impossible delusional crimes.

Connie Tucker psychotic

Mental break







In preparation for her testimony, Ford had a lie detector test.

(Committee testimony given showed her attorneys paid for it, and claimed their services were pro bono.)

(Reports today say Go Fund Me accounts have raised over $500,000.)

All that lie detector testing can reveal is if she had an emotional reaction to questions.

It can only show she believed what she is saying.

But it does not reveal the incident, as she describes it, actually happened.


Note the handwritten statement in the link to the right.

She could not write her statement without changes or strikeovers.

Dr. Ford Lie Detector report

Off site link

Although guests on talk shows have  claimed the detector tech has not been interviewed, he appeared on Fox.

He admitted his testing did not prove the encounter happened but only that Dr. Ford believes it did.

He revealed only two questions were used in the test.

Other former FBI agents interviewed said that methodology is not accurate.

Rather than asking if the handwritten account she constructed for the test was true,

each item in the account should have been tested separately.


Confabulation cannot be detected with a lie detector.

The subject believes what they are saying is true.

They would have no emotional response to questions.



How is her faulty memory  possible?


Ford has an advanced academic degree.

To get that degree she spent years studying.


Colleges do not warn students about a simple problem design engineers discovered

and solved fifty years ago when it caused still-believed-harmless mental events for office workers,

visual subliminal distraction.

This site studies it as the proximate cause of college suicides

and sudden without warning student disappearances.


 See College Suicides, Missing Students   

Student Disappearances        

Disappearance List         


Unaware the problem exists, students and faculty take no precaution for

'peripheral vision blocking protection,' aka Cubicle Level Protection,

when they engage long hours of deep cognitive investment to study or use a computer

where there is repeating distracting movement nearby in peripheral vision.

They do not have the protection millions of office workers use every day.


Since 1968 the cubicle, then later Systems Furniture, block peripheral vision for

long concentrating knowledge workers in business offices.


Visual subliminal distraction is caused by a situation

which demands the long term consciousness-forced-suppression of the vision startle reflex. 


Again ...                            

Explanation of Subliminal Distraction


It is defined in first semester psychology as the outcome of failed,

consciousness-blocked-suppressed attempts to execute the vision startle reflex.

The stimulation of the mind (amygdala) during that failed attempt will color thought and reason.

The stimulation cannot create thought. It colors thought and reason with fear, panic, paranoia,

depression, and in extreme severe exposure situations, thoughts of suicide.

Investigation methodology


Perform my demonstration of the habituation of conscious sight in peripheral vision

to understand why it cannot be consciously experienced as it happens. It is undetectable.



Before you dismiss this information with an eye roll,

 verify the basic facts of the physiology of human sight explained on this site.

You want facts, not opinions.

I was told by an emeritus psychology professor at UGa that I must have heard the lecture wrong.

But I had known of the problem since I was a 22 year old engineering student in 1966.

If you did not do so, go back and read the complete introductory text on my Homepage.

The mental break engineers discovered in 1964 is rarely mentioned in lectures on peripheral vision reflexes.

All my instructor said was, "Subliminal sight caused a problem in the early days of modern office design."

When it happened to my wife after her office was changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection,
Connie heard voices and hallucinated guilt for impossible delusional crimes.
Connie Tucker Psychotic Break

Psychology professionals/academics unaware of visual subliminal distraction refuse to investigate.

Schools refuse to teach why the cubicle was created to stop student suicides.

None of the gun control activists sites will investigate
subliminal distraction severe episodes as the cause of mass school shootings.
There is evidence for six of them.
The Las Vegas Shooting page on this site has examples.

The design mistake can be experimentally replicated, optimized, to produce anxiety leading to depressive ideation with a several hours Subliminal Distraction daily over successive days.

(Typically a week or more. See "Warning".)

That light exposure effect will spontaneously remit with appropriate rest from Subliminal Distraction without treatment or after effects.

Information on this site shows that students, video game players, and home computer users on social media  are a groups which create the "special circumstances" for this problem.

If the usually harmless nonsense hallucinations of the episode are instead of an inescapable unbearable outcome for a real or delusional situation, a suicide can happen.


Email for phone contact.   Contact Email





Full Site Page List

This is the list from the Homepage.



There are four text pages to explain Subliminal Distraction.

Site pages are organized to explain

Subliminal Distraction, then give examples.

Site Outline, an overview of the  investigation of Subliminal Distraction since 2002.

                      The investigation methodology is explained and two places to verify Subliminal Distraction.                       

What is Subliminal Distraction?  -The first explanation page. Next

How were Subliminal Distraction mental breaks discovered?

Why does a Subliminal Distraction mental break happen?

First Nation Canadian Suicides Pikangikum

Foxconn, France Telecom, La Poste, Renault suicides

Psychotropic Drugs

Spontaneous remission Schizophrenia - Rev Trosse


Subliminal Distraction acting as Subliminal Operant Conditioning

Subliminal Distraction exposure is cumulative


Other pages are:

Bipolar Disorder

Bullying and Child Suicides from Bullying  

Brown shooting Ferguson

Children & Violence       

Connie Tucker Hospital Records  (Subliminal Distraction mistaken for schizophrenia.)

Death at the river's edge, Van Susteren, Fox News  posted in advance of broadcast

Examples of home computer workstations.

Ferguson Riot  _duplicate listing of Brown Ferguson

Hollywood    Actors, musicians, writers, and other performers have experienced depressive episodes.

Home Computer Location and Classroom Examples

Barney and Betty Hill Alien Abduction

Chaco Canyon Anasazi abandonment of four corners, 1300AD

College Suicides

Culture Bound Syndromes  under construction

Enlarged brain ventricles claimed to prove disease causation for schizophrenia.

ICU Psychosis in hospitals

Forum post link from 2002 -  Accused of being an attorney -  verifies start date of project.

Foxconn France Telecom  Renault Suicides

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine a startle matching behavior.


Mass Shootings  under construction

Orlando  Shooting

Micah Johnson Houston Texas shooter

Munich Shooting


Malaysia Air Flight MH370 disappearance explained.

Mass Inanity Belgian Polar Expedition 1897/99

Missing Students Current Cases   New page Underconstruction.

Mysterious Disappearances

           Jamison Family   Vanished Oct. 8, 2009 remains found Nov. 15, 2013 (Bedroom computer pictures found)

           Jennifer Huston   Vanished July 25, 2014 found a suicide 12 days later.

           Mary Shotwell Little, Vanished from Atlanta, Georgia, October 1965, never found.

          Maura Murray  

          Ron Tammen, Vanished from Miami of Ohio, April 1953, never found.

  Kristin Smart missing 20 years

          Agatha Christie 1926 10 day disappearance        

          Flannan Isles Lighthouse Three lighthouse keepers vanished Christmas 1900

OCD   New page under construction December 2016

Site Outline and summary of project  Also known as the "Letters" page includes:   Investigation Methodology, QiGong_Kundalini Yoga_LGATS mental breaks, Two sources to verify SD, Georgia Tech College Suicide, Culture Bound Syndromes, Sudden Violence- PekaEric Auvinen computer picture

PTSD  The diagnosis may be preventable if the symptoms are actually caused by Subliminal Distraction.

QiGong and Kundalini Yoga Mental Breaks A 3000 year history of mental breaks is explained.

Reverend George Trosse   Spontaneous remission of insanity, Schizophrenia,  in the 16/1700's.  page under construction

Robin Williams suicide

Shell Shock WWI explained as Subliminal Distraction episodes   Under Construction


Subliminal Operant Conditioning   Subliminal Distraction explained as cause of radicalization to jihadist beliefs.

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness)


Vince Foster Suicide, Clinton Administration 


Wayback Machine archived pages,

Astronauts_Insanity.htm  Mental Breaks and psychological problems on space flights.

Barney and Betty Hill first alien abduction a Subliminal Distraction explained episode.

Captain Button Suicide A10 crash Similar to GermanWings suicide crash, observed from ground,  killed only Captain Button.

Czar 52 crash at Fairchild AFB indicates an altered mental state, incompetent judgment, altered perceptions  of Subliminal Distraction..

Flight 19   Disappearance of  5 Navy Avenger aircraft on a training flight.

International Space Station pictures illustrate Subliminal Distraction.

The Everquest Connection Video game believed to hold code to cause addiction, and player suicide.



Thesis, this is the only paper I found on Subliminal Distraction.


Army Private Devon Lee Ward disappearance/death


Naomi Judd


Kanye West mental break


ICU Psychosis


Brandy Vela Student Suicide


Bethany Thompson Student Suicide


Mysterious Disappearances includes students found suicides

New page OCD




Underground New York Public Library   This is an off site link showing behaviors to cause subliminal Distraction exposure.

                                                               Which subway riders are having Subliminal Distraction?   Here                                        

                                                               Can you spot those with movement in peripheral vision.

                                                               The site locates local library's or offers an on-line book seller for titles. 

                                                                Not my site, no connection to this project.














Sept 27 Hearing


During the Congressional hearing Dr. Ford has revealed additional information

that suggests she is a visual subliminal distraction victim.


Her problems began in her first two years of college. 

In Rachel Mitchell's memo Ford said she struggled in her first college years but not in the last two years of high school.

Those college years were a  time is when longer hours of study create many  opportunities

for the "special circumstances" of visual subliminal distraction.


She remembers only the attack,

but not how she got to the party house, or went home, a twenty minute drive away.

This says the memory is only of a short stressful event.

(Think of a nightmare with little detail outside the central event.)

There is missing information before and after the event

because the flashback did not include those periods.


In Committee statement Ford said the boys pin-balled down the stairs.

That's a visual description not an auditory memory.

She seemed to be relating they were stumbling drunk having trouble negotiating the stairs.

She was in the bathroom with the door closed and could not have seen them.

It raises the possibility that this was an image created, imagined in her mind,

of something she did not actually experience.

(Read Rachel Mitchell's memo for other conflicts.)

Mitchell's Memo

When Dr. Ford spoke with about it weeks or months apart, 

she recalled the incident differently

confabulating details she did not have.

This is not lying. She believes she is accurately reporting her memory.


Each time a subject creates enough Subliminal Distraction exposure

 to cause the "office worker" event, the imagined incident

 appears as the cognitive explanation of the flashback.

 Things like her family bankruptcy and Kavanaugh's mother's court decision

would be subtly wound into, threaded into, the flashback scenario to shape the memory of the event.

That bankruptcy case would have associated the name Kanavaugh to the event.


This is happening subconsciously, not deliberately.

The person, Dr. Ford, has no control except to stop Subliminal Distraction, thus stopping the process.

This can happen when projects allowing Subliminal Distraction end.

The negative mental state subsides until the next heavy Subliminal Distraction exposure,

when the distress would begin again.

While the manic or depressive "office worker" episode spontaneously remits,

memories from those episodes are permanent.


The mistake made by psychologists is to assume the context, substance

of the flashback is the cause of the experience.

Although universally assumed by everyone there is no evidence that this is true.


As additional details are created cognitively,

the subject believes they just remembered the additional information.


Rather, in a sudden onset Subliminal Distraction episode of panicked confusion,

the mind searches to represent the experience of the unexplained panic as some event i

when there was a situation to cause similar distressful panic.


It is not necessarily from a personal experience.

The scenario imagined might come from a movie, book, or a description from someone else.

Like a nightmare the substance of the panicked flashback can arise from any stressful situation

imagined or real.


In statements given there were only five people at the event, three of them in the room.

Yet Dr. Ford remembers her attackers speaking to "others" after they noisily walked down the stairs.

She didn't name her friend or the other boy, but others. 

Where did the "others" come from during the short time of the claimed attack.

The proposed attackers would have been at the

bottom of the stairs far away from the bathroom.

This is a contradiction within her story.


The public's belief that the story is credible comes from Dr. Ford's emotion,

not the facts in the story.


Rachael Mitchell's questions of Ford's interest in the South Pacific

and trips there show her fear of flying comes and goes.

That is possible.

It would happen as her Subliminal Distraction caused anxiety

 is raised with exposure but remits with rest from Subliminal Distraction.


One of the problems introduced in her questioning

is that while her attorneys were saying she could not fly to D.C., she was not in California then.

She was actually much closer on the east coast, Delaware until August 7th then New England

before returning to California.

She apparently flew there.