
In Wetumpka, AL

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003   Edit   June 23, 2017

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Subliminal Distraction is Cumulative


When you learn to ignore threat-movement in peripheral vision

with no effort or knowledge of that action, to stop

the concentration breaking vision startles

your brain can no longer identify the "source" of that threat.


This is because the triggering neural impulses on the optic nerve

from the portion of your retina that represents far peripheral vision,

to execute the vision startle reflex, is movement and position information

but not color or shape.


One feature of this arrangement is that stationary objects in 'far peripheral vision' are invisible.

Far peripheral vision only reacts to movement.

This can be demonstrated, Demo.


When you stop turning to look at the source of movement,

with your conscious sight by suppressing the reflex,

color and shape are no longer available.


Without color and shape your brain can no longer identify separate sources

of threat-movement.


All threat-movement, subliminally detected, is then the same to your brain

creating Subliminal Distraction as if it was from one source.


To your brain it's one long experience of Subliminal Distraction.


That makes visual subliminal distraction cumulative.



If you did not read the page Subliminal Distraction  before linking here,

to understand what it is and how it happens. start with that page,  What is Visual Subliminal Distraction.

To safely experience how this problem begins, perform my demonstration of

the habituation of conscious sight in peripheral vision. Demo



Everyone who  ever lived has a subliminally functioning brain system that triggers the reflex

to turn and look at sudden movement in far peripheral vision

while you concentrate to the level that you are unaware of things happening around you.


You might say this system evolved to prevent early humans being a meal for a predator.

We all have this system. It has always been a part of the human physiology of sight.


This is a warn first evaluate second system that functions in the brain below thought reason, and consciousness.

You cannot stop the brain system's function, it is hard wired into your physiology of sight.


But humans can stop, prevent, the concentration breaking interruption of the vision startle reflex.


You can consider this problem as arising from a conflict in the physiology of sight.

While you can ignore threat-movement, and stop the vision startle reflex,

humans cannot stop subliminally seeing threat-movement which triggers the reflex.

Your brain will continue to attempt the reflex as long as you suppress it

where there is movement nearby to create visual subliminal distraction.


When movement detected in peripheral vision is evaluated as no threat to you,

without effort or knowledge of the action, your brain attaches a zero level of attention to it.

But you can't stop seeing anything in your vision field.