
In Wetumpka, AL.

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003 Edit May 16, 2017

Copyright    Contact page    Demonstration of subliminal sight

If  you  reached this page from a search engine enter the site here,

or see other cases on the Disappearance and College Suicides pages.





Bipolar Disorder


This site and page are about a problem everyone has

that design engineers discovered to cause temporary still-believed-harmless

panicked episodes of psychotic-like confusion fifty years ago.


The episodes spontaneously remit when visual subliminal distraction exposure is realized then stopped.

The symptoms will also stop when the activity causing exposure ends,

without the discovery of a connection between Subliminal Distraction and psychiatric symptoms.



If the activities to cause a Subliminal Distraction episode are spaced

so that one episode remits before the next begins,

they would be mistaken for Bipolar Disorder.



Although there is a multi-billion dollar industry developed since 1968

to prevent the episodes in offices using cubicles and Systems furniture in open-plan offices,

the problem is unknown by the public, mental health services, and research.


If you make the design mistake, allowing movement in peripheral vision,

where you work or study with or without a computer,

anyone can create episodes to be mistaken for bipolar.


The casual use of digital view-screen devices without peripheral vision blocking protection

 allows the conditions for the

"mental break causing design mistake"

almost anywhere.





There are numerous sites that "explain" Bipolar Disorder.                                                                     


What is not understood is that all the explanations are theories.


                                                                       Nothing provable is known about the cause of mental illness.



If your manic, or depressive  episodes are

Subliminal Distraction events, mistaken for Bipolar Disorder,

 they can be stopped without drugs, or treatment of any kind.


There is no cost,

and searching your daily activities for locations where

visual subliminal distraction can happen undetectably,

will not interfere with any treatment modality.


Make small changes in those locations to prevent visual subliminal distraction.


If your bipolar symptoms vanish in a few days,

as much as a week's rest from Subliminal Distraction exposure,

you were having Subliminal Distraction repeating episodes.


If they don't vanish, look again for exposure sources.

Once your brain learns the behavior to cause Subliminal Distraction

even small but significant stimulation incidents will keep the symptoms ongoing.


Everyone has single instances of Subliminal Distraction every day

That level of exposure is normal and harmless.

But Subliminal Distraction is cumulative.




Since the engineering design problem with the physiology of human sight is unknown

in mental health services, or research,

it is likely your symptoms of distress are visual subliminal distraction.


                                      Use this site to learn about Subliminal Distraction.                              Here


                 Use pages showing home computer workstation examples to search you work areas.     Examples


Subliminal Distraction causing mistakes, casually using computers, are on the Hollywood page.


Try to remember what you were doing in the weeks before your last episode.


Given what you now know,

were any of those activities suspect as a source of Subliminal Distraction?


Make small, usually free, changes in your work, or study areas to provide

"peripheral vision blocking protection."



If your "Bipolar" was Subliminal Distraction mistaken for mental illness,

it will vanish.


How simple is that?


Typical recovery times for an ongoing event once you stop exposure

are from a few days to a week or more.


Your brain must have rest from Subliminal Distraction

comparable to the level of exposure you have.

This would typically be the spacing between your episodes.





Understanding Subliminal Distraction

as the source of episodes diagnosed as Bipolar Disorder:




Everything that is 'believed to be known' about mental illness                

 was theorized without knowledge of a simple problem engineers discovered in 1964.

 See DSM page.


How Subliminal Distraction mental breaks were discovered.


This site is about that problem, Subliminal Distraction.





No matter what you believe. or have been told,

no one has proved that chemical imbalances in the brain cause mental illness.


There is no    "testable objective evidence"    that drugs which perturb brain chemistry,

based on the chemical imbalance theory, do anything except cause side effects.



Critical to understanding the problem, explained on this site, is that

engineers did not cause the mental breaks they discovered  as they still believe.


They created a set of    "special circumstances"   to reveal the problem exists.

It has always existed.


It is part of everyone's physiology of sight.


Peripheral vision reflexes, evolved to prevent early humans being a meal for predators,

would have begun to cause behaviors from visual subliminal distraction we today understand as mental illness

when those first humans stopped roosting in trees for nighttime protection,

and began to build too-small single room living arrangements or

crowed around fires in caves.




Everyone has single instances of Subliminal Distraction every day

That level of exposure is normal and harmless.

It only causes psychiatric symptoms when someone creates a situation

where they have a massive number of subliminal, undetectable, FAILED attempts

to execute the vision startle reflex in a compact time frame.


Those failed attempts to startle are explained and defined

as a visual subliminal distraction in first semester psychology

lectures on how peripheral vision reflexes are created




 One caution

LGATS Site Outline

If you have a sensitivity for exposure it is possible to have exposure in classrooms.

Converting a lecture to study notes is the same mental investment

as required for knowledge work in offices

That would mean precautions should be taken when taking lecture notes with movement beside you.

A pair of safety glasses modified to block peripheral vision should work.

Wide temple arms near the eye block peripheral vision.



Examples of home computer workstations are here.


You can experience how exposure begins with my demonstration of subliminal sight

and the habituation of conscious sight in peripheral vision.   Demo




Since the design mistake is a physical situation it can be experimentally copied, optimized,                    

then with necessary precautions shown to cause anxiety, and depressive ideation                   

   with a few hours daily exposure over several days,                      

       but before the office worker mental break

                                                                                                                   would strike suddenly without warning.



Stories of spontaneous remission of insanity  400 years ago in London say

Subliminal Distraction filled madhouses.

There were no drugs or treatment in 16/1700's London.

That means all recoveries were spontaneous remissions.


Where are those remissions today? Mental illness has not changed.


They are being covered up by immediate treatment

then claimed as efficacy for drugs that failed double blind testing.



Psychiatrists claim "case evidence" that these drugs work to treat mental illness.

When psychotropic drugs fail double blind scientific testing, 

case evidence that they are effective cannot exist.


Psychiatrists are making the same mistake drug testing

is intended to prevent,  observer, and drug bias.


See Drugs page.



Stop and think.


If drugs fail in testing, you cannot claim they work because a small percentage taking them improve.

Something else is happening to cause those positive case outcomes.


Those improvements are spontaneous remissions of a Subliminal Distraction episode,

that has been mistaken for mental illness.

See Connie Tucker's case.


Subliminal Distraction can be explained as unrecognized subliminal operant conditioning.

The subliminal appreciation of threat from UNDETECTABLE  FAILED attempts to execute the vision startle reflex,

is defined as a visual subliminal distraction in first semester psychology lectures on peripheral vision reflexes.

That oppressive subliminal appreciation of threat will begin to color thought and reason.

This happens in the mind below thought, reason, and consciousness.

Site Outline page.


By investigating activates which have mental breaks, and also create the "special circumstances"

for Subliminal Distraction it is possible to build a list of psychiatric outcomes


Some of the emotional stresses on thought you should suspect come from Subliminal Distraction are:

fear, panic, anxiety, depression, psychosomatic complaints, trouble sleeping.



QiGong & Kundalini Yoga both cause mental breaks.

They have a 2,400 and 3,000 year history respectively for those mental breaks.

The performance of slow motion martial arts movements, and moving Yoga poses done in groups

creates the "special circumstances" engineers discovered.

As each participant concentrates to correctly perform the exercise moves

they will subliminally detect movement of others nearby.



Hallucinations experienced will contain elements of guilt, persecution, sometimes with impossible beliefs of criminal acts.



Children in the Wi-Fi illness incident in Ontario, Canada had symptoms of: 

racing hearts, headaches, dizziness, nausea, memory loss, falling out (fainting),

psychosomatic complaints, and skin sensations like itching.

Pictures used in Canadian media showing the classrooms revealed children sitting on the floor

using laptops in each other's  peripheral vision.

Same Site Outline page.



Drugs designed to perturb brain chemistry cannot possibly effect a Subliminal Distraction episode.

It must, and does spontaneously remit without treatment when exposure stops.



If this is your first visit begin by reading the beginning explanation page, Subliminal Distraction.


You will need this basic information to quickly understand.


Additional explanation pages are linked:



2) Mental Break Discovery 1964   3) Why they happen    4) Drugs   5) Spontaneous Remission



Pages which have examples of the "mental break causing design mistake" are:


Home Computer LocationsSite Outline  Mass Shootings The Jamison Family Disappearance    Joe Morse Georgia Tech suicide 

  Foxconn-France Telecom suicides  QiGong-Kundalini Mental Breaks  Connie Tucker hospital record

The College Suicides page has the explanation for Subliminal Distraction caused suicides.